SMARTER is a strategy to increase physical activity, especially walking, in type 2 diabetes. Patients use a step counter (a pedometer or accelerometer) to track how many steps they walk each day. They enter these values in an electronic or written diary. At each of their follow-up visits for type 2 diabetes, their doctors review the diary with them. They and their doctors discuss what would be a realistic next target for steps to complete each day. The target is then written as a prescription, signed by the doctor.
On this website:

The SMARTER strategy was developed and tested through a clinical trial and was proven to increase physical activity and improve blood sugar control in type 2 diabetes. (Principal Investigator: Dr Kaberi Dasgupta, Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre; Co-Principal Investigators: Dr Stella Daskalopoulou, Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre and Dr Ellen Rosenberg, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University).
We encourage physicians and health care providers to ‘register’ on the website so that we can initiate and maintain a dialogue about how to integrate SMARTER into day to day clinical practice- and how to make it even better.